Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Litter box issues

Last Tue morning, while rushing to get ready for work, we discovered to our dismay, that Sanju had a couple of poo or/and pee accidents. The first one happened the night before, but it was so well hidden that somehow, both of us (and even the boy next door) did not realised it earlier. We'd thought the odour was due to Sanju passing gas! He was caught right in the act by uncle S while performing act 2 after his breakfast.

Remember the government's constant call for employees to upgrade themselves and go for re-training? Well, that re-training applies to cats as well! In this case, litter box re-training is in order, so that Sanju can upgrade to becoming a more hygienic and desirable pet! So out came the cage where Sanju would spend the rest of the day while we were at work. He wasn't happy, and kept scratching on the newspapers which I've laid inside the cage and meowing to be let out. I felt sorry about keeping him in the cage, but if it's necessary to reinforce his toilet-training him, then it has to be done.

When I got home from work, I was relieved to see there were no further accidents, and let him out as I could not bear to keep him in the cage any longer. The sweet darling was his lovely, purring self, and bore no grudge against me at all. I'd told vegancat and Sanju's potential adopter that before bedtime, I gave sanju a lecture on hygiene habits (haha!), crossed my fingers and left him roaming-free in the cat room overnight. I'd also resumed using a 2nd litter box. By Wed morning, Sanju has done me proud by having pooed in the litter box! Hurray!

Maybe this cat does understand lectures in English, afterall.

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