Sunday, February 19, 2006

Sanju settles down


Email update from Sanju's mummy
Sent : Sunday, February 19, 2006 3:13 PM

Dear P

Sanju settled in very well when we got him home. We kept him confined to one area like you suggested and I stayed with him there. After a lot of cuddling he eventually had a drink and a bite to eat. We played together with a string for quite a while too. He then slept for a while and I had to go to work, so Fredi took over. He poohed while I was gone in the litter box and so was upgraded to see the whole apartment where he made a new play buddy called "lid" and also did some exploring.

There was a little accident. He did pee in the wrong place yesterday evening, but I figured out why. Like you said, he's a real clean freak, and it was not until later that I realized that there was quite a lot of pooh in the litter box, (way down near the bottom), around the time he had his accident. I quickly cleaned it out and he began using it again. I noticed today that he announces when he wants to go to the toilet or eat or wants extra attention....and at that time he had just had a snack of dry food so I knew it could be a toilet call. So we walked to the litter tray together with some encouragment from me, and he went. Then I noticed him "telling" me what he'd done. Kind of like giving me my cue: "Okay, so it's your turn now to clean up!" and I did. And so far, no more accidents.

He's sleeping right now in F's work room. He likes to be near us. He's sweet and loves to be loved. Just right for a cat.

All the best

On uncle S's lap

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