Monday, April 10, 2006

How I spend my weekend

FRIDAY - My weekend usually starts on Friday evening. As usual, after dinner, I will go to auntie p (AP for short) and meow at her to play. Sometimes, she would just lie on the sofa without budging, so I have to keep going to her and meow at her until she gets my message. At other times, I will paw her legs while she's walking to get her attention. Unlike most cats, humans can be sometimes slow. *roll eyes*

This is my favourite ball game. Sometimes I play alone, but I prefer to play with AP, as she is very useful when the 2 balls (one blue and one red) get lost under the bed or somewhere around the home. AP will bounce the ball up and down and I love to jump and catch it!

When AP reads the newspapers, it's also my cue to play. Sometimes AP will continue to read her papers despite my meowing. Then I will sit on top of the newspapers that she's reading until she plays with me.

Can you find me?

I love it too when there are new toys in the home that I can play with, like this lovely red umbrella with a hanging strap for me to chew on.

AP said she will take me to Ah Ma's house tomorrow. I wonder what is Ah Ma? AP took out this red box and started playing hide and seek with me inside. After that she put a few cat biscuits inside and I have to go inside to eat them one by one. So few biscuits only??

SATURDAY - this is one of my favourite day because I don't have to stay in the bedroom, and I can roam the house for the whole day without sleeping. Then, AP took out the red box again, and I quickly went inside to play with her. But instead of playing, she said she's taking me to Ah Ma's house. I still don't know what is Ah Ma.

Anyway, I was carried in the red box and went out of the door to places that I'm not familar with. AP mentioned that I was very well-behaved in the taxi because I did not meow non-stop like the previous time when she first took me home.

Then we went into this house which look slightly familiar to me, like a place I have visited before....maybe in my dreams? Then AP opened the red box and put me into this cage which has strange smell of other cats.

When I was in the cage, Ah Ma and Ah Gong came to look at me and they say I looked pretty. That made me happy!

There was also a calico cat in the room with me but she wasn't caged at all (so unfair!). She gave me a hiss to tell me who's the boss in the house. I don't know why she must be so bossy. I just ignored her and decided to sit down. Hey, where did AP go? I want my auntie...! *meow*

I could smell 2 other cats in the house, but I did not see them, which is a good thing, as I wouldn't want them to get jealous when they see me. After a while, the calico decided to act cute to catch the human's attention. I think she is jealous of me, because Ah Ma and Ah Gong said I am pretty. Thank goodness she's stopped bothering me!

Later, Ah Ma went downstairs carrying bundles of cat food and AP carried me in the red box and went down with her. Once downstairs, AP let me out of the box.

Oh, the place looked and smelled so familiar to me, and I happily went around sniffing the bicycles, the floor and the other cats who were eating the food that Ah Ma prepared for them. As I already had my dinner at home, I didn't join them.

Then I saw someone very familiar walking away from was a figure of a woman walking with a slight limp. I recognise this figure as the woman who give the stray cats our breakfasts and dinners, and quickly ran towards her! And that's how I realise who Ah Ma was.

I saw some old cat friends of mine, and I showed them my joy in seeing them by rolling around on the floor. Other times, I ran from one end to the other end of the block to enjoy the fresh air and the smell of grass, such that AP could not find me. Sometimes, I purposely kept quiet when she called me, so that we can play hide and seek...heehee. But AP is quite smart and caught hold of me in the end, and put me back into the red box. What? We're going home so soon? *Wweow....!!*

That was the end of the visit to Ah Ma's and soon we were home and it was time for the humans to go to bed. AP said she will bring me out again next week. I wonder what is next week?

SUNDAY - another one of my favourite day when AP will be at home to keep me company. After breakfast, I wanted to go into the red box again and kept peeping inside and meowing for AP to let me in. Being quite well-trained by now, AP understood what I wanted and took the red box down for me to play. I quickly sat inside the red box and waited for AP to bring me out, but it didn't happen. :(

Are we going out yet?

AP was having a cold and went to take a nap after a late lunch in the afternoon. I went to join her on the bed.

I love to take naps with AP on Sundays and sometimes knead on her tummy. Once I'd even sucked on her blue t-shirt while kneading. Oh, I can't describe the joy of sucking and kneading to the oblivion of everything! I was hoping that AP was wearing that blue t-shirt again.

Later, AP decided not to sleep because she said that I was taking up too much of her space on her side of the bed, and she said I woke her up by my rolling and turning.

Am I taking up too much space?

Oh, really?

AP then took out the small black box again to take pictures of me. I decided to pose for her. Don't I look cute?

~ The end ~

By Jackie

* Notes by Auntie P:
Ah Ma = grandma in Hokkien (aka my MIL)
Ah Gong = grandpa in Hokkien
The above was published on Mon, 10 April 2006


cat_aunty said...

Jackie, you are so cute and such a good girl!

C. said...

So interesting to read how dear Jackie spent the few days... = )

bluemistz said...

Never go for the cat show, auntie p? I thought i saw jackie's photo on cws adoption board at the show! *wink*

=^..^= said...

Jackie is such a sweetie... hope something good comes from Sunday's adoption drive. Please let me know, won't you?

~5-Cat Style

auntie p said...


bluemistz: I knew about the pedigree cat show, but it didn't occur to me that there would be an adoption drive, so missed it. I'm kind of in a zombie nowadays, must be the flu.

5Cs: Thanks for all your and the volunteers' efforts. I really appreciate what you did.

I got 2 names from Dell - called the 1st woman and her husband answered: "Cat ah? deliver tomorrow? Is it a cute kitten?". No way am I giving him Jackie when he kept saying cute kitten and is so nonchalant, as if cats are under the mail order category of goods. The second guy I called actually prefers 2 other cats he's looking at, whereas his fiancee is attracted by Jackie. He said he's busy nowadays so I sent him some info. and photos of Jackie.

The worst scenario is for us to release Jackie back to her old hangout, and we'll continue to look out for her. Sigh...

=^..^= said...

Hi Auntie P, oh dear... doesn't sound so good.

There were many at the drive who found Jackie very appealing, even though they didn't leave their contact details behind. I gave them the url to the CWS adoption bulletin board and told them to reach us any time they felt they were ready for Jackie.

So hang on in there a little while longer. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for Jackie.

~5-Cat Style

auntie p said...

5CS: Thanks for your good wishes! :)

CatDonna & Cats said...

Lovely Jackie. Hang on in there Auntie P.

Like you said to me during a previous post, it's raining cats and business is bad... I've had Lucie and Boonie for six months and still no show... sometimes we just have to keep on keeping on.


auntie p said...

Catdonna: yes, am hanging on. :) And someone had asked me to foster her sister's rescued kitten...there's no shortage of fosterees. :b