Thursday, April 27, 2006

Jackie revisited

Yesterday, we went to MIL's for dinner and I saw Jackie at the void deck. She was lying down in between two parked bicycles. I approached and before I called out her name, I think she kind of registered who I am, looked up at me and gave a very soft meow. I called her and she came to me and let me stroked her. Perhaps it helped that there was no pet carrier in sight.

Soon, two other community cats came to join us, namely, a male manja Blackie and a calico - both of whom we suspect to be abandoned (from their friendliness to humans). I gave them some dry food and went up to MIL's home for dinner. One other shy cat looked on from afar while the 3 cats ate the dry food.

After dinner, I came down to check on Jackie again, and MIL was in the midst of feeding them community cats dinner while FIL looked on. Quietly, I looked at Jackie and squatted down a few feet away from her. She came to me and let me carried her. When my hubby came to join us, Jackie ran away, and would not pay heed to his calls. Oh, well... *shrug*

FIL said that Jackie wouldn't let him stroke her and would run away from him. MIL complained that Jackie wouldn't allow herself to be carried and that she (MIL) had to catch Jackie unaware just to be able to carry her. That may be a good thing, so that Jackie can stay safe from the cat-bullies.


CatDonna & Cats said...

I wouldn't be surprised that you miss Jackie a little. She is so sweet and cuddly.

But it's the harsh reality that we as "cat people" have to face. It's a reality that I share your frustration with.

Until Singaporean attitudes change, there will always be far too many animals for open homes.

Wishing you and Jackie all the very best. Take care, J.

auntie p said...

Thanks for your best wishes, Catdonna/J.

I do miss every cat that I fostered, whether they eventually go to their permanent home or not. It's something we have to be prepared for mentally.

It's sad that there will always be more cats than there are homes for.

All the best for Lucie and Boonie too. :)