Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Discrimination to cats

From this cat-unfriendly poster (re-posted), I'm sure readers can figure out just about which district I'm staying at...yeah, it's that walkover district, all right.

My thoughts on the GE: I kind of felt deprived with this walkover. Not only do we not get to exercise our vote, we'll never get to see the MPs going through "the baptism of fire through the fiery initiation of participating in a GE rally" (to quote a lawyer interviewd by the ST), and where are all those goodies which the GE candidates from the ruling party are promising the residents in non-walkover wards? Where is my lift that stops on every floor of my block, the extra funds to help the jobless and the low income, etc.?

No doubt they have come out with plans to "beautify" the estate (just before the GE annoucement), but to me, those things are not truly practical, nor will they improve the livelihood of the poorer residents, the jobless or the aged in the ward. They are the nice-to-haves, but not-really-necessary stuff.


animalfamily said...

when i see such posters i will tear them away. haha

cat_aunty said...

Agree. I would rather they leave everything as it is, leave more open sapces for the community cats!!

auntie p said...

Tooty/animalfamily & cat aunty: I would if I could, but the poster was pinned up in the glass-covered notice board. Guess they knew the tearing might happen...haaa!! ;)