Monday, May 08, 2006

Here come the cat trappers...again

MIL's block has been raided by the pest control/cat catchers for several weeks already. Last week, the men in the van came by again, but MIL said they were nice enough to allow her to chase/take her cats away. So poor MIL had to carry the 6-7kg manja blackie back up to her flat and later carried him down to be released. When I met FIL later, he told me that he had brought Jackie up to the flat too, and that she was smart enough to enter the cage at home all by herself. Was that really smart? Haha! Perhaps Jackie did that out of familiarity, as she had been up to the flat and gone into that cage before.

Last Sat, I saw Jackie at MIL's void deck again. She's still her normal self, hasn't lost weight, but definitely quieter than when she was at my home - normal behaviour for community cats since they don't want to attract too much unwanted attention to themselves, either from humans or from other cats. She came to me, although at one point, she ran away when I wanted to carry her, perhaps thinking that I might take her home. Anyway, I left her to finish her dinner and went up to the flat.

When I came down later, I turned from the staircase to the void deck and was suddenly greeted by a cat scream. It was Jackie calling me very loudly. What a pleasant surprise to be greeted like that! :) I spent some time sitting on the deck chairs, with Jackie sitting or lying next to me a few feet away. Whenever I moved to look at the other cats, she would follow me about, and lay down just a couple of feet next to me. This went on for a while, until she was distracted by something else and we took the chance to sneak off and went home.

1 comment:

KXBC said...

It's nice to be greeted by a friend. :)