Tuesday, November 06, 2007


I really, really, really don't know if it's the right thing to do, but I have done it. I've finally caught the rather elusive, untouchable, and possibly pregnant(??) community cat that lives at the blocks about 800m away from our block, and sent her to the vet. For unknown reasons, Jambala is the only cat yet to be sterilised at those blocks. Perhaps she's just too shrewd for the humans, or a great escapist, such that she's always managed to stay out of the grasp of well-meaning cat caregivers.

Anyhow, the elements seemed right yesterday. I went home on-the-dot, the sky was still bright, Jambala was underneath a parked car, and SO was on leave at home (extra manpower!). So I guess it was then or never. I rushed home, rushed SO to finish his shower, and went out with the soft carrier, wet and dry food to lure Jambala to her fate. :p

I wasn't sure if we could really get her, for I know she's super jumpy when I touch her. She avoided the carrier, but with some coaxing and the tuna+salmon wet food, she could not resist the yummy bowl which moved closer and closer to the entrance of the soft carrier. Then, with one push of her backside (which made her jumped), and a flip of the carrier door, SLAM! or rather PLOP!, down came the manually-operated zip door! We got her!

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Upon reaching home and settling Jambala in the cage, to my horror, I realised she could be pregnant! Arghh!! *GUILTY...* The SO thought she's just fat, and asked me how sure I am that Jambala's not sterilised?? Wa piang! Now then ask me this sort of question! Hasn't he realised she's been getting pregnant over and over again, all this time? >_<"

Anyway, my intention is to stop her from having to go through the endless cycles of pregnancies, so I shall very regretfully, have to bear the guilt of aborting her babies if she is indeed pregnant. No one seemed to have seen her kittens, not even the woman who feeds her daily.

I spent the evening going in and out of the cat room to talk to her, and gradually make her comfortable with being stroked, without jumping. Soon after, she relaxed and ate both the wet and dry food, and eventually, began purring, repeatedly.

This morning, I had a hard time getting her into the plastic pet carrier (more convenient for the vet). Jambala refused to go in, and kept jumping and bumping her head everytime I tried to push her head into the carrier. Even getting my man-power to help didn't work. While I held onto Jambala, we both discussed other ideas when suddenly, I pushed her into the carrier again. Jambala must have let off her guard for just a wee moment, so it was success! Finally.

Phew!! Despite everything, I'm very glad to say that Jambala didn't hiss, scratch or bite me. She is a good cat. I left her with the receptionist at the vet, with instructions for the vet to call me, then rushed back to the office in a cab.

PS: HRH Coco was definitely not happy with the new intrusion...she growled and then screamed at Jambala who sat quietly in the carrier. Will post the video next time. ;)


Mary said...

Jambala is a beautiful feline; and her name is very auspicious, in tibetan - Jambala is the name of a wealth deity.

auntie p said...

Mary, I didn't know that. I just name her so as I thought she looks like the hearing-impaired cat at Metta Cattery. The MC Jambala is also a female (I think) ginger cat and just as shy too.

This Jambala is pretty and has a soft and gentle meowing voice.

cat_aunty said...

Good job!

auntie p said...

Thanks, cat aunty.