Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Who's the next guest?

Sanju's stay at our home lasted 2 weeks - 2 weeks of babying a flu-ey guest that turned more active and playful by the day, as well as 2 weeks on the receiving end of joy and affection. Then it was time to clean up the cat room, wash the bedsheets, stained floor rugs, scrub the litter boxes and get a little more sleep in the morning. Does that make me the chambermaid?

Sanju's adopter, C commented that it must be difficult to foster cats and then see them go, especially when we grew fond of them. When the foster cats go home, we always feel something's missing. I also missed cuddling and babying them. Despite the emotional up-and-down that comes with fostering sometimes , I guess there is also a sense of contentment, that in a very small way, we've helped to make a little kitty's life more liveable and found him a good home.

Sanju is very lucky to have been rescued by Vegancat and Carol, and to have found a warm and loving home. Unfortunately, not all cats out there are as lucky, and sometimes, I can't bear to think of the other sick and injured cats out there that are still suffering, and are still waiting for their special human to rescue them. I can only hope that these cats will soon meet their rescuer, who could help to ease their suffering and make them well again, before it gets too late.

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