Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Bad timing

It's raining more grey tabbies at CWS adoption website, CatDonna. *cry* And like you'd said, the adoptions seemed to be moving very slowly lately. :( Must be 'hang cheng pai' - bad economy in Hokkien.

Today, I contacted another potential adopter - a nice young lady whom, together with her mum, were very keen to adopt a cat. We made arrangement for her to view Jackie, but by the evening, she'd sadly sms-ed me to say that her father objected, and only wanted a dog (again). :( I could sense both her excitement this morning and her disappointment and upset later, in the evening.

Lately, I keep getting potential adopters who seemed to be living in very patriarchal families where the father has the last say in everything, even if it means thwarting the joy and happiness of their daughters AND wives! Tsk...tsk...tsk...just my luck!

Luck is also not on my side at work...what with the power-hungry people who would do or say just about anything about anyone, whether true or untrue, with or without any semblance of their conscience, just so they can hang on desperately to their turf. I refuse to play their game, nor kow tow to their expectations against my principles.

Today was simply not a good day for me. Or maybe I just need to get more sleep. I would really, really hate to put Jackie back to MIL's block, given her wonderful temperament. What a dilemma!


Cat said...

Hang in there Aunty_P.

Adoption is never an easy or quick process. Sanju's case was different for he is a ginger & a kitten. For an adult cat, it is a different ballgame altogether.

Adoption should be a family decision. There must be a consensus amongst all the family members. It is better that the mother & daughter admit this now than later (like in the previous case).

Work is just work. Stay true to your principles for that defines your integrity. Don't allow power or peer pressure in sway you away from them.

Chin up.

KXBC said...

I have observed that men, especially middle aged men, do not seem to like animals/pets, especially cats. Is it only happening in Singapore? Or it's happening all over the world as well?

We need a genetic scientist to unravel the mystery.

san said...

ohhh aunty p. I read the very irate reply that the seeming 'middle-aged' man had said in the other blog. :)) Well done aunty p. You're a really fiery one. :))

It's just that there seems to be more women who are open about their love for cats and more women blog about their cats. It has been my experience (uhem) that men usually talk about their dogs. One very voluble taxi driver spoke at great length about his parrots. He bought one that came from the Amazon.

bluemistz said...

sigh... it's such a sad, ironic fact that the friendly cats like Jackie are at a disadvantage on the streets. I hope Jackie can find a good home soon. Cheer up, auntie P. *hugz*

auntie p said...

Good morning, and it's TGIF! :)

San: Hehe, thanks for your support. I am usually not fiery, and will be nice to the reasonable, humble, or underpriviledge folks. It's the negative categories and those who make undue accusations that I dislike.

kxbc, sorry if I'd inadvertently dragged you into that blog comment. Thank goodness, most readers there did view our comments in the right perspective. It's our personal experiences afterall.

bluemistz: Thanks for the hugs. :) Jackie is friendly, although as a stray, she didn't let just anybody touch her, so I guess she still has this sense of self-protection. I'm not sure if she can resist the lure of food though. :-|

The sad thing is there are many other friendly and even docile cats out there in the streets, all at the mercy of bullying humans. Sigh...