Sunday, April 02, 2006

Trial adoption failed

To readers, thanks for your good wishes for Jackie's trial adoption. Although it was reported to me that Jackie was friendly to the humans and got along with the 2 dogs at her new home, things did not quite work out for Jackie's trial adoption.

Aside from the usual animosity between existing housecat (a ginger male) and newly-introduced cat (Jackie) which could probably be overcome with time and patience, the chief problem stemmed from the fact that all three trial adopters did not seek consent from the man of the house. On the contrary, they chose to sneak in the new cat while knowing that the man of the house will object to having an additional pet at home. Apparently, the man of the house issued an eviction order once he found Jackie in his home.

Admittedly, it was presumptious of me to think that since all three trial adopters comprise of 2 adult sisters and their mother (all three are working), there would not be any objection issue among the two-leggeds in the household. Well, that's a lesson learnt for me.

While at no point did I blame or chide these people for wanting to return Jackie, I am slightly annoyed at the things they said when they delivered Jackie, such as: "Oh, there's no one at home during the day, so the home will smell of the cats' pee/poo, so we can't take Jackie" which came from the mother's mouth. I think such things are excuses meant to make them feel less bad about what they had done. Shouldn't they have thought of such things (which anyway is already happening even without Jackie) BEFORE they decide to take another cat?

Anyway, I am glad that Jackie is now back with me instead of with them. I must try to be more careful in my screening in future.


san said...

Never mind Jackie. With those good looks and impeccable manners, there will be some place else. We all know you know your litter. I hope you are not too traumatised by the other pets as well as the humans in that household. Cheerios.

Cat said...

those are pretty lame excuses ... one additional cat is not going to make the house stink of poo ... why can't they just admit that they were presumptious to think they could get away with sneaking jackie in without the man's consent?

pretty cowardly in my opinion.

jackie's better off without them cos when the push comes to shove, she can't depend on these 3 to protect her.

cat_aunty said...

Moronic humans! Jackie is better off without them

auntie p said...

Sigh... I'm sorry to have put Jackie through this, heard that she had hid under the sofa while that male ginger cat snarled at her.

Though her ordeal, we made a couple of surprising discovery - Jackie automatically knew how to use their bathroom drainpipe to do her business, and was friendly enough to follow the gals around (sometimes a bit shy with strangers).

She was happy to come back, and could not wait to jump off from my shoulder while at the doorstep. The other surprise was she's now very friendly with uncle S. Perhaps she realised who are the ones who really care for her...haha!

Anonymous said...

good grief, and these women are supposedly *independent* [see "working adults"] and *educated* [otherwise they won't go out to work right?] ?? and they still fear the man of the house and his words are final?

and i thought they were children to begin with - see sneaking Jackie into the household. so immatured.

auntie p said...

Hi anonymous, I can only imagine that theirs is a very patriarchal household. *shudders*

=^..^= said...

Better to have Jackie back with you then. And don't go kicking yourself over picking out the wrong people sometimes. Even the most experienced of us still have a lot of trouble sniffing out the baddies.

~5-Cat Style

auntie p said...

Thanks, 5Cs. Looking at the CWS adoption site, it looks like it's raining grey tabbies, which means very low chance for Jackie. What do you do if your foster cat cannot get adopted? If no one wants to adopt Jackie, I may have to release her back to MIL's block... dilemma... >_<"

CatDonna & Cats said...

I dunno why but adoptions are shifting very slowly these past few months. My Lucie and Boonie have been up for adoption since last December and still, nada. Or rather, some interested parties but all fell through, and some revealed their true colours in time.

We just have to keep on trying and hoping! :)

Btw thx so much for your kind thoughts when I was down. We're doing ok now. Check out the update at CatDonna's Cats!