Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The cat who couldn't see in the dark

This the title of another wonderful book on cats' mysterious ailments, the symptoms to look out for and how serious the ailments can be if left untreated, etc. I borrowed the book from AMK library and am down to the last five chapters.

Front cover

Back cover

What I found surprising (well, perhaps not so surprising) in the book are the cat owners who are so ignorant about basic cat care that they almost put their cats' lives in danger. Examples:
- a pair of fit-looking owners who put their cat on a strict vegetarian/vegan diet (the cat eats what they eat), and
- a newly graduated vetrinarian who had no idea that tri-coloured cats are almost always female.

How could this be? I thought information like cats need meat protein to live is basic knowledge among people with some interest in cats.

Anyway, this book is highly recommended. It's easy to read, and many times, the author (the vet)came across as quite a humourous guy.

Inside cover


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