Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Copy cats

Catblogs are a phenomenon which I have only discovered early this year. It's been fun looking and reading about other cats, whether they are somebody's pets or community cats.

Among the cats I've come across in catblogs, I find these cats sharing similar unique features or looking like some cats that I've personally met and known. I could have been fooled if someone had told me that they came from the same mould, or rather, the same litter. ;)

Copy Cat case #1: Choco, Chinky & Newbie

Choco, an utterly lovable community cat I came across in another town

Chinky, adorable long-term resident at Vegancat's home

Newbie-abandonee found by Vegancat

Copy cat case #2: OP and Car-Lee

OP, a community cat at the place where I used to live (sister of Fattail)

Cai-Lee, the cat which grew up eating curry (found by Vegancat & adopted by Mary)

Copy cat case #3: Tiger and Tiger


A community cat living near my place whose name is, what else - Tiger!

Copy cat case #4: Bujang and Billy

Bujang, one of the 3 amigos and San's lucky pet

Billy, a kitten I had rescued and rehomed a few years' ago

Dear readers, can you spot their similarities? ;)

(Photos of Chinky, Newbie, Cai-lee & Tiger1 by Vegancat; photos of Bujang by San)


san said...

Hello aunty_p

This is an easy one. san says I can answer if I want and Billy and I both have the same black mark on our nose..hehe. Now I think san will give me a treat for being clever. :))


auntie p said...

Dear Bujang

You are right, and I agree you deserve a treat from San. :) Also, you both have blurry-looking round eyes which makes both of you look so adorable.

Billy was one of my most favourite foster cats and it was hard to part with him, but I'm happy he has a great family of wonderful parents and 3 other cat mates to play with him.