Friday, May 26, 2006

Different cat names for different folks

It's been two very busy weeks for me at work and at home that I haven't had time to organise my digital photos and update my blog, not that I have much to update, since there's currently no foster cat in my home. Nevertheless, I managed to rush home to catch the 2-hour season's finale of American Idol (AI) last night, which was quite entertaining, as some pros' and celebrities performed during the show. Earlier in the day, I'd visited the AI website (because eager to know the result) and knew that Prince was performing, so I was all geared up to catch his performance and even coaxed the SO to come home early to catch the show with me (instead of working late).

As the show ended quite late, I went downstairs to see the community cats much later. I'm not the main cat feeder in the area, so I don't visit the cats every night, but I was glad that I did despite the late hour, because a couple of them seemed very hungry and almost ran towards me.

Tortie was there (a new cat I'd discovered a week ago) and was meowing loudly at me even before I could see her. She's starting to recognise me and becoming less wary. She's quite friendly and affectionate, and I've seen a pair of young sisters patting and playing with her. As I hugged her and gave her several kisses, she must have thought that enough was enough and gave me her paw - "piak" on my nose! ;)

I put her down, gave a gentle smack on her rump and she ran away from me. However, when I came back to her about five minutes later, she was back to her affectionate self and was rubbing herself against my legs. What a sweetie...will try to take some photos of her this weekend.

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It's interesting that the community cats at my area seem to have several names, all given by different people. One cat giver had even given girlish names such as Cookie, Baby, Sugar and An An - all to male cats.

For example:

The big white cat male cat (the 'king') is Xiao Bai to me, and is also named Sugar (girl's name).

Xiao Bai's brother was named Ah Koon by my SO in recognition of his cocoon-like tail, but is Jon-Jon to some, and also An An (girl's name).

Then there is Fuzzy, a male white cat with fuzzy grey patches who knew how to take the lift (now passed away). He had also been given names such as Missy (a girl's name, again?), Tin Tin, and another name which I can't remember.

Lastly, there is a tuxedo female cat who is called Bushy, Timmy (for being timid) and Coco.

There you have it, different names given by different cat-loving folks.

I guess a cat by any other name will still be as catty and smart, that is, smart enough to know that by whichever they're called, what it really means is that dinner or breakfast will be served shortly. ;)

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