Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Think I might have been fooled

Last week, I found yet another new/abandoned(?) cat around my block. This newbie is in addition to the other newbies that have suddenly appeared over the past weeks, namely, 1 adult blackie, 1 adult white & grey, and 2 black kittens - all of which aren't sterilised, and male in gender. The latest newbie is the only rose among the thorns - a sweet-looking tortiseshell about 1 year old. Although shy, she seems friendly and would follow me when coaxed. Thankfully, upon closer inspection, I noticed she had a ear-tip, and I believe the bare patch and stitches on her tummy are quite fresh too.

Being a new resident, I thought she's bound to be harassed by a couple of the long-time residents - big Xiao Bai (XB, male) and perhaps Blackie (female). True enough, on the way to work this morning, I chance upon Tortie having a face-off with XB at the gazebo. I had no idea what might have happened between them, but they were both sitting and staring quietly at each other, with Tortie hiding under the bench, and understandably being rather frightened, since she's is much smaller in size than XB.

The SO quickly lured XB away, while I tried to pacify Tortie. Tortie seemed to have difficulty walking as she didn't rest on her front left paw, but took a few steps with a limp and then refused to move. I thought she might have injured her paw, and carried her upstairs, with the intention to keep her in the bathroom for the day, so as to avoid further cat fights. I had taken her up to our home before for food previously, and although scared and desperate to jump out of my arms, she never once try to scratch or bite me. This is a cat with a nice temperament.

At home, I opened a can of cat food and gave Tortie some, then proceeded to take out all the cat apparatus - litter box, new pack of litter sand, water & dry food bowl, dry food, cat rug, etc. When all was done, we couldn't find the cat, who apparently, had hidden under the bed in the master bedroom. I lured her out easily with a cat toy, and that's when the SO commented that she wasn't limping. What!?! So fast not limping already?

Surprise, surprise! I don't know what happened, but that Tortie was really walking and moving around with no sign of paw trouble at all! In the end, I released her downstairs, but not before she tried to jump off from my arms and decorated my upper arms with 3 scratches measuring 5-7cm (I had on a sleeveless blouse). :-{

So, I've been fooled by a cat!

On highsight, could Tortie be suffering from a case of needles and pins in her paw, which led to her fake limp? That is, if it's possible for a cat to have a numb leg. ;)


jennifer_yq said...

i think i read in catster forum that sometimes cats do thing to seek attention as when they had once injured their paws, ppl gave them constant attention..once they recovered, they use the limping trick to seek for attention again..another guy also posted in the strait times that his cat limp the wrong leg(he was supposed to be ok in that leg) when he wanted attention.

KXBC said...

Cats are smart. :)

How's the Jackie adoption coming along?

auntie p said...

kxbc: That potential adopter replied to my email once and said she wanted very much to meet Jackie. I sent her a second email to make arrangement for her to view Jackie, but never heard from her since. Oh well, nevermind.

I think Jackie does enjoy the freedom of living outdoors with her cat kakis. I still see her regularly. If she sees me before I see her, she will meow loudly, presumably calling me. Sweet of her, eh? :)

KXBC said...

:) That's affection for you.