Friday, March 14, 2008

Jambala update

Jambala is looking well, and looking very plump, so much so that the domestic helper of the family that feeds her and other cats thought that she's pregnant!


I explained to her the significance of the tipped ear and that Jambala will no longer get pregnant again.

It's difficult to get a front shot of her, but everytime I see Jambala, I still think she's a really pretty cat with a sweet face.


Jambala has a boyfriend - a vocal, unsterilised male ginger whom I call "Humm-Humm" because he has a (in Hokkien) "humm-humm" face. HH is quite untouchable, but luckily, he tends to stick close to Jambala (and sometimes eat from the same paper bowl) and there is no more unsterilised female cat in the area. Jambala was the last female to be "done".


EJ. said...

Prosperous Jambala.
She could only have a plantonic relationship with Himm-Humm.

cat_aunty said...

Whats the meaning of Humm-Humm????

Jambala looking fat and prosperous!

auntie p said...

Cat aunty, the SO says Humm Humm means swollen. Haha!

Next time I'll try to take a photo of Humm-Humm, but he's very loud.

cat_aunty said...

Can't wait.....