It's past 10pm on a Wed night...what's happening that is so alarming to Coco?

New "business" in the fostercat household? :P

Coco: Why always like that one??? *Whines*

Hello... *Purrs*
Of the adventures with the foster cats that came to share our lives
Hewow Mimi!
Coco on the alert!
Is Mimi ill?
Her caregiver thot she's ill and phoned me to foster her at 10++pm. Waa piangz...as if I'm operating the emergency ward. >_<"
To sum up, no matter how I checked, she's doesn't look ill (even drank and ate some dry food) or injured coz she loves to snuggle in my lap, cries if I leave her alone, plus other antics... *roll eyes*
I'm a zombie now and poor Coco probably didn't sleep or eat much. Coco was stressed, but she showed exemplary behaviour throughout. :)
ps: Caregiver took Mimi this morning, likely to visit the vet.
Hope Mimi is just mildly ill.
Coco looks pretty suspicious at the third picture.
poor coco... never mind lah... i am sure you are still mummy's no. 1 favourite.
EJ: Coco was curious and apprehensive, but she didn't hiss or growl at Mimi. I thought that was very nice of Coco.
KSN: Actually, the no. 1 bestest favourite was a b/w Billy cat - rehomed in 2002. I loved that gong gong greedy but oh-so-sweet fella; he snuggled with me too.
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