Fei Xiang, the famous singer (of mixed parentage) in the Chinese pop scene and hearthrob in Asia during the 1980s, and who has since made his mark as a Broadway singer/performer in America (as Chris or Kris), used to be my idol when I was *ahem* younger.
Now in his 40s, he is still as charming, not just with his good looks, but also with his honest and intelligent thoughts about himself and the world at large. Here's a sample of what he said in his interview with the Straits Times/Mind Your Body published today:
Q: I liked what you said - that if there is no opportunity for getting married, we don't have to be burdened with pressure from society and parents and find someone to "solve the problem". Do you then think that women have a harder time than men in this aspect?
FX: I believe that much of the world's current clash of "values" (liberal vs conservative, Islam vs the West) is actually about men's fear of losing control over women. How can we perpetuate a society that seeks to control and limit the choices of our own mothers, daughters and sisters? As Asian men, we must learn to value the personal happiness of women as much as our own.
Q: Also quoting you, "people who prefer to love instead of being loved keep cats". Are you a cat or dog person?
FX: A cat person, of course! It's true! Cat-owners give love constantly without expecting anything in return. Dog-owners want to receive non-stop unconditional adoration from a mindless, drooling creature. Ha ha.
Auntie P: Ooh...I like Fei Xiang even more. :)
(Photo from Mind Your Body)
Aiyah after reading this I will go and look for the Mind and Body supplement. I hope I haven't feed the strays on them....
I never knew about Fei Xiang up till now... he seems dreamy. My sis is convinced that he's gay tho... says there's no such thing as a perfect straight man.
~5-Cat Style
heh, Fei "liu lian" Xiang at the national theatre 1984.
not that i was a fan of his, but rather some free tickets my parents got or something. so no choice, went along. oh and my classmates went absolute gaga over him.
thanks for the post auntie P :)
Letter b: Oh yah...that liu lian song! *roll eyes* Heheh!
5Cs: I kind of agree that a perfect straight man seems too much to ask for. Haha!
I'm not sure but in that interview, Fei Xiang did mentioned that he's been "in and out of love enough times to know that - when it comes to love, there is no such thing as "forever", as people/circumstance/life change...".
Hmm...still can't tell.
i love Fei Xiang, gay or not. He's such a smart candid guy. and now i love him all the more! dreamy green eyes!
Another Fei Xiang fan/cat lover.
Thanks for dropping by Styra. :)
Hi, pleasant greetings to you. I hope I'm not being offensive or anything, but I come across your blog while googling for "Fei Xiang".
I am working for a television production house, and at present I need to find a fan of Fei Xiang to be involved in an episode for our entertainment show which will comprise of probably an interview segment with FX and also with the fan, over the new production "Cabaret". This will be broadcast on Channel 5 soon.
I cannot divulge too much right now since blog comment is hardly a private mean of communication, but I hope you can drop me an email so that I can let you know of our show and discuss about the possibility of you joining us.
My email address is babelicias@gmail.com.
I have taken liberty to leave the same comment to your latest blog entry as well.
Thank you.
Warm Regards,
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