Although a bit wary initially, she's come to be more trusting of cat-friendly humans and is actually quite manja! She loves to be stroked, and would even sit on my lap for some neck scratching, so much so that it's becoming harder for me to leave her alone. She is actually a lovely cat, with a soft silky coat and a soft gentle meow of a voice.
Her sweet looks plus her soft gentle meows must have won her some fans, as I've seen at least two different kinds of dry cat food being left out for her, and on one occasion, other people had seen young teenage boys playing with her and feeding her scraps of food from their bbq feast. Perhaps this explains her inconsistent appearance, as she seems to appear only when she's hungry, so sometimes I don't see her at all in the morning and evening.
She is clean and has a healthy appetite, although occasionally, her right eye does get a little teary. I wonder what that might be?
Yeah. She is one of the prettiest torties I have seen :) My mother calls them the comot cats :)
Dear San, may I know what is comot? I asked my hubby but he doesn't know. :)
The right eye could be suffering from recurrrent blepharitis,like the resident cat in my block Ginger.
If you can buy a eyelid cleaning individually wrapped tissue called Lid-Care, available OTC at any pharmacy, just wipe over her right eye gently whenever you see her. If the eye is glued up by eye discharge, then there is probably secondary bacterial infection. Get an eye ointment (such as Terramycin), squeeze about 1cm over a clean finger pulp and then gently spread the eye ointment over the eyelids that will instinctly close. If no improvement, then time to empty $ at the vet.
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