Friday, March 03, 2006

Are cats natural swimmers?

I am so delighted and impressed by Max the swimming cat that I thought I'd share this, by Tom and Polly Rodman.

La la lala...



CatDonna & Cats said...


I wonder if all cats can be trained to swim? Now I'm getting ideas...

cat_aunty said...

Hahaha brilliant!!!

Anonymous said...

Gosh, it's taken a LONG time to figure-out Blogger to the point where we could reply to this, but as the "Tom" of "Tom & Polly Rodman," Max is "for real."

We fell in-love with him at a local animal shelter (near Encintas, CA) when he was about six weeks old.

It took us about a week to get the nerve to let him outdoors.

The minute we did, he dashed to the pool, dipped his front paws, and tried climbing-on the body board we'd left floating there.

Since then, I don't want to mislead, and suggest, "He loves the water," but he's not afraid of it, at all.

He'll only get-in if we're in, but then, he doesn't hesitate to float on his body board, "doggy paddle" to us, or to the side of the pool.

Max is very comfortable in the water.

His Vet suspects that part of Max's lineage may include a Scandinavian "fishing cat" that has a thick undercoat (like Max)...

Theory and genetics aside, he's a joy to be around, and to the naysayers... Show Max your Pool... We'll bring his body board and our camera.

And yes... We're very careful about the min. and max. water temps our vet specified.

Enjoy your cat as much as we enjoy Max!!!!

auntie p said...

Thank you Tom, for your reply, although it's taken a long time! Ho ho ho!

I've reposted your reply about Max in a new blog post at Max the swimming cat revisited.