Jambala, who had just woken up from her nap, under a parked car.

Tuxedo cat Timmy, looking nice and plumb and as sweet as ever

Sugar & Jon-Jon

Sugar had a bout of painful gum problem for the past weeks, and caregiver Ms A had taken him to the vet. At one point, Ms A needed our help to feed him his medication. On one night, while refusing to take his medicine, Sugar went berserk and even threw his frustration at Jon-Jon, which was shocking to us. I think he was in much pain that night to react that way.
Although he's now his usual sweet self, he's rather wary of Ms A or us, coz he thinks we may feed him with medication! We still find him very adorable. :)

I also met these cats the week before.
Kiddy who is very affectionate and gets along with most new cat that appears (now it's Mimi who loves to stick to him)

Mimi - apparently she had fever the other time (Ms A confirmed at the vet) but has now recovered.
Soon, she will be sent for spaying.

We'd only managed to treat her eyes with eye drops for 5 or 6 times, coz we failed to to find her on some nights at her usual hangouts.

(Shiny, 3 March 2008)
After a few days of treatment, her eyes were no longer red or tear as much, but the 3rd eyelid on her right eye was still quite prominent. However, it went down on its own subsequently, and Shiny's bright eyes will soon be back again.
Bee good and take your medications,Jon Jon.
Glad that Shiny is responding well to the eye drops.
Take care, kitties!!!!
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