Coco then jumped down onto the floor. I scooped her up, carried her close to my chest and walked back towards our door. Midway, she scampered about and tried to clawed her way out of my arms. Although I'd clipped her toe nails a few days' ago, she still managed to claw me right through my t-shirt! I didn't think much of the scratches, that is, until I went to take my shower...
The next morning, they looked like this.

The SO thought the scratches there (not the first time) made me look ... erm..."garang" (fierce) and that soon, other gals will pick up the trend of having a couple of scratches on their chest as a fashion thing. 真咵张! I didn't want my colleagues to see them nor think that cats always scratch people, so he said to tell them I fought with a werewolf the night before... *Haiz...*
This is the badge all cat slaves don't tell people is werewold lah, next time they sure will give SO funny looks!!
Oh dear, look what have you done to your mommy, Coco!?
Just say your SO has vampire fangs lor. :)
I think all of us have some scars here and there. I have some on my arms too, usually sustained when I carry them to the bathroom. Lucky my face still intact. :)
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