I met Sanju's papa, F this morning. I almost did not recognise him, as he wasn't wearing his usual glasses, but he does have beautiful eyes. :)
F told me that Sanju has "mange", a kind of skin problem which results in poor Sanju losing bits of his hair all over. They had taken Sanju to the vet and F has been giving Sanju regular baths to help his condition. They suspect Sanju might have caught it from the second pet cat who may be having a fungus problem.
F also showed me his PDA which has a wallpaper of little Sanju doing his roar.
From the way he talks about Sanju, I could sense much love and affection that F (big burly kind of guy) has for Sanju, which is rather sweet.
F plans to get a digi camera soon, so I hope to receive photo updates of Sanju later.
Sanju now happy boy, got mummy, daddy & a playmate :)
Sanju's papa must continue to give him the regular sulpur bath prescribed by the vet. Don;t buy anything off the shelve that supposely treat manges. The actual oral medication must be administered by vet only. Careful to note that some oral medication is not for cats.
Glad that Sanju has a big burly PAPA :))
Oh no, more trials and tribulations for Sanju! Get well soon, boy.
Cat, not only that, Sanju has his own gigantic cat tree to play with too.
Moglee and cat aunty, thank for your concern and suggestions.
i've seen the roar snap at vegancatsg! is that papa's site? i love that snap! so cute and feisty!
Styra: yep, you can say Vegancat is Sanju's original papa...heheh. Vegancat first rescued Sanju whom later came to live with me for a while as my foster.
That "Sanju roar" photo was taken by Vegancat. I believe Sanju was actually yawning. :)
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